As you know, we chose the special number of 195 to base our pledges on for the past few years. Why 195? Because that is the number of beds in our hospital and makes your pledge mean so much more to our patients. With the overwhelming support for our chosen number of 195 since the year 2020, we will again use this number to base your pledge off of!
Pledge $0.25 or more for 195 patient beds in the calendar year. Click HERE if you would like your Homers for Health pledge to automatically renew each year.
Become a Holliday's Hero - Pledge $7 or more, or make a one-time gift of $1,365 and be recognized as a Holliday Hero. Your name will be listed as a Holliday's Hero inside our hospital throughout the calendar year.
Become a Homers for Health Superhero - Make a one-time gift of $13,650 or more and be recognized as a Superhero. Your name will be listed as a Superhero inside our hospital throughout the calendar year.
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